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Smarten your Water Quality Management Operations with IoT-powered Solutions

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IoT-based Smart Water Quality Management System

Testing water quality is an integral part of operations for multiple industries like water treatment and management, chemical, manufacturing, petroleum, agriculture, wastewater treatment, etc. IoT-based smart water systems are being widely used to reduce manual intervention altogether. IoT solutions with smart sensors, controllers, and water testing meters are increasingly being integrated with software for measuring various quality parameters in water. This data can be further analysed to get better insights. Applications of these systems are infinite and therefore it is changing the way these sectors are operating.

Biz4Solutions is a renowned provider of top-notch IoT services in the water industry. Our IoT-based smart water systems bring high transparency and better control. This ensures improved water quality and also enhances the efficiency of the water systems.

The Conceptual Flow of IoT-based Smart Water Systems

Building blocks of an IoT-based water quality management system comprises an intelligent network of sensors, meters, microcontrollers, communication channels, application servers, databases, and customized software. These together ensure smart water management that empowers enterprises to leverage the benefits of big data analytics, cloud adoption, and mobile computing to get actionable insights and reduce costs.

Sensors/ Water meters / Controllers transmit the data captured to either the mobile device or directly to the server through various communication channels like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or GPRS network. Mobile devices fetch the data from the server or the sensors to display it in the application. The Server hosts web services that are consumed by the software. These customized mobile applications include data management features, advanced data analytics, and alert systems based on the monitored parameters. The choice of the parameters to be monitored and the communication channel to be used depends on the requirement of the application.

Smart Water Sensors / Water Meters / Controllers

are extensively used for tracking diverse parameters like microbial quality, pH, salinity, total hardness, turbidity, conductivity, or quantity of Manganese, Chloride, Nitrite, Phosphonate, Calcium, pressure, temperature, the flow of water, level of water, dissolved oxygen, etc. in water. Meter readings are automatically tracked in real-time and periodically sent to the network of cloud servers. This ensures higher accuracy while eliminating the need for manual intervention. Controllers are the devices used to periodically update test results received from sensors on a separate database. For example, a controller will send a result every 15 mins to a designated server.

Are you looking for an impactful IoT Water Industry company? We offer a unique blend of unconventional ideas, powerful tools, world-class skills, and an out-of-the-box developmental approach that will provide you with a competitive edge!

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Magnificent Benefits of IoT in Water Quality Testing, Treatment & Management

Real-time  Information of Water Quality.
Real-time Information of Water Quality.
Alerts and Notification Available on Multiple Devices.
Alerts and Notification Available on Multiple Devices.
Controlling and Managing the Water System from Anywhere at Anytime
Controlling and Managing the Water System from Anywhere at Anytime
Raising Alarms when Parameter Readings Go beyond Defined Ranges
Raising Alarms when Parameter Readings Go beyond Defined Ranges
Accurate Data Insights, Statistical Graphs and Reports for Decision-Making.
Accurate Data Insights, Statistical Graphs and Reports for Decision-Making.
Eliminate the need for Manual Intervention and Reduce Labour Costs.
Eliminate the need for Manual Intervention and Reduce Labour Costs.

Wastewater Treatment in IoT


Another usage of wastewater treatment in IoT can be to have a smart water sensor to measure the amount of residual chemical after treatment. This can be used to calculate the efficiency of the selected treatment process and ensure that the released amount of chemicals stay within permissible limits.

Employ our Intelligent IoT Smart Water Systems for Water Quality Testing and Treatment!