Chemicals and Biotechnology

Our number of users has grown over time, with several thousand people worldwide using the application they’ve developed. Additionally, the sales opportunities that we’ve gained because of the features that they’ve created have been excellent too.They did a good job of communicating when they needed to. This project required a lot of back and forth because it involved their developers working with some of our in-house developers on the same projects, and that’s been very successful. We used a couple of pieces of CRM, but for the most part, we’ve used virtual conferences where we give them specific deliverables and guidelines and other various formats. We’ve been impressed by their ability to step up, take on a project that requires multiple resources with various skillsets, and deliver end results in a short timeframe. Biz4Solutions has a pretty good depth of both modern and legacy skillsets that we’ve been able to utilize.

Chemicals and Biotechnology company,